Skills for Life Youth Program

Mission Statement
Philosophy of Education
Educational Proposal
Floorplan / Modules
Curriculum / Schedule
Participants Duties


Welcome to the Skills for Life Youth Program web site!


"Biologically speaking, the Bumblebee doesn't know that it can’t fly, so it goes on flying anyway...."

The SoFLY program was created to impress youth with their own self-sufficiency, self- confidence and self-awareness through studying practical skills in application with core studies. By co-housing academic experience within a frame of rigorous and relevant field studies and student-centered exploration, we are empowering student resiliency and teaching 21st century skills.

Our children and parents often start with a cultural richness unique to the Rialto area. By starting with the right SCANS aptitudes and using state and federally approved course work, our programs help local families to new horizons.

In spite of limited financial resources or academic encumbrances; our API scores for at-risk populations have over the last three years demonstrated that enrichment programs working closely with regular school programs can make all the difference in the world providing for youth opportunity, placement and matriculation. Parent Volunteers and PTA input have gained us steady community support and made Carter High a model Small Learning Community of Life Long Learners.

SoFLY program is dedicated to youth learning to take wings and fly while being provided with school support and solid professional enrichment. We welcome parents and students to explore our site and sign up for classes this August.
SoFLY starts the second week in September.

For more information regarding signing up for the Skills For Life Youth Program, call the school office or pick up the permission slip in the office.

2009 - 2009 School Year

Classes begin August 28
Holiday break December 23 - January 4
Classes end June 10

Wilmer Amina Carter High School
2630 Linden Avenue
Rialto, CA  92377
(909) 854-4100

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Skills for Life CSUSB 2008